About Alice

Artist Statement

Fabric is my chosen medium of expression through which I create realistic portraits of people and objects. I find color, light, shadow, line and value in the pattern of ordinary household fabrics. From these I snip small pieces which I arrange and fuse into a figurative composition. As such the work grows from within rather than being applied to the surface of a canvas by paint, pencil or similar drawing tools. When the image is complete, I sew it together with the stitch line constituting the final “drawn” line.

My work has been exhibited in many venues throughout the United States including the American Folk Art Museum in New York and the Smithsonian Anacostia Museum as well as abroad in Madrid, France, Japan and Namibia.   My work has been purchased or commissioned by a number of individuals and public entities including the DeYoung Museum, the city and county of San Francisco, the County of Alameda, Kaiser Hospital, Highland Hospital and the Sunnyvale Medical Facility.

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Fabric artist Alice Beasley in her studio

County of Alameda’s Acute Tower Replacement Project, Public Art Program


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