Photography Credits

Sibila Savage Photography

Whose Second Amendment?

Remembering Trayvon

Feeding Time at the Swamp

Stay Strong, “Glass Garden”


Blood Line

Leaving Home

Back of the Bus

Mama, Me and the ’41 Ford

The Wedding Bells


What’s in a Rose?

A Kiss Goodbye

Contemplating the Next Move

No Hard Hats Required

A Birthday Wish

Circle of Friends

The Summer We Learned to Swim

No Vote, No Voice


Unidentified Black Male

Global Warming

Entre Nous

Blue Burqas

I Always Try to Keep an Open Mind

All My Roads Lead Back to You

Blue Morning

The Read Onion

The Red Room

A Meditation on Time

Standing Figure

What Goes Without Saying


Don Tuttle Photography

Too Big to Jail

Miles Ahead

We Are a Nation

Don’t Look Back


Jim Jacobs Photography

A Cool Drink of Water

Cool Blue: Depth Perception